Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W2 Assignment 4

1. Building truth table φ ⇔ ψ φ ψ φ ⇒ ψ ψ ⇒ φ φ ⇔ ψ T T T T ✔︎ T F F T F T T F F F T T ✔︎ a. φ ⇔ ψ is true if φ and ψ are both true or both false (φ ⇒ ψ)=(ψ ⇒ φ) , (φ ⇒ ψ)∧(ψ ⇒ φ) = φ ⇔ ψ, φ = ψ ...

2023-9-25 · 8 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W2 QUIZ

Math Foundation of computing, Stanford university. Preliminary Course Notes - Keith Schwarz implication has a truth part(conditional) and a causation part. implication = conditional + causation conditional means ⇒ φ ⇒ ψ is the truth part of “ φ implies ψ ”. φ is the antecedent ψ is the consequent define the truth of φ⇒ψ in terms of the truth/falsity of φ and ψ. Equivalence Quiz Which of the following conditions is necessary and sufficient for the natural number $n$ to be multiple of 10 ? ...

2023-9-25 · 5 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W2 Assignment 3

1. D, Y, T a. T ⇒ [D ∧ Y] b. D ⇒ ¬ Y c. ¬ D ⇒ ¬ T d. T ⇒ ¬ (D ∧ Y) e. ¬ D ∧ Y ∧ T , T ⇒ [¬ D ∧ Y], following means “then or and”, they are all conjunctions relationship. f. (T ∧ Y) ⇒ ¬ D , T ⇒ [Y ⇒ ¬ D] g. T ⇒ [D ⇔ Y], T⇒ [(D ⇒Y) ∧ (Y⇒D)] ...

2023-9-22 · 1 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W1 Assignment 2

1. Simplify the symbolic statements. (b) (p≥7)∧(p<12), 7≤p<12 (c) (x>5)∧(x<7), 5<x<7 (d) (x<4)∧(x<6), x<4 (e) $(y<4)∧(y^2 <9), y^2<9$ (f) (x≥0)∧(x≤0), x=0 2. Express each of your simplified statements from question 1 in natural English. (b) p is greater than or equal to 7 and less than 12. (c) x is greater than 5, and less than 7. (d) x is less than 4 (e) y squared is less than 9 (f) x is equal to 0 ...

2023-9-20 · 3 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W1 Assignment 1

Truth table φ ∧ ψ = ψ ∧ φ ∧ conjunction 合取: anyone is false, φ ∧ ψ will be false ∨ disjunction 析取: anyone is truth, φ ∨ ψ will be truth. ∨ : Communism, Soviet Union, China, Socialism, anyone is truth, then it is truth, Big, resources absorbing power, Totalitarianism ∧ : Germany, Greek alphabet - Wikipedia φ: phi ψ: psi θ: Theta Quiz True table game, triary logic ...

2023-9-17 · 5 min · Atom.X