Generative AI Learning Path

Generative AI with Vertex AI: Prompt Design the official documentation on prompt design Task 1. Open the notebook in Vertex AI Workbench Task 2. Set up the notebook Task 3. Prompt engineering best practices Task 4. Reduce Output Variability Task 5. Improve Response Quality by Including Examples Why we should write code and documentation in Jupyter notebook ? Get Started with Vertex AI Studio Task 1. Analyze images with Gemini in Freeform mode Task 2. Explore multimodal capabilities Task 3. Design text prompts Task 4. Generate conversations Getting Started with the Gemini API in Vertex AI Task 1. Open the notebook in Vertex AI Workbench Task 2. Set up the notebook Task 3. Use the Gemini 1.5 Pro model Task 4. Generate text from a multimodal prompt Prompt Design in Vertex AI: Challenge Lab Task 1. Build a Gemini image analysis tool Task 2. Build a Gemini tagline generator Task 3. Experiment with image analysis code Task 4. Experiment with tagline generation code Freeform, chat, ...

2023-2-24 · 2 min · Atom.X

BP/ Investment Proposal[Company Name]-template

Subject: Investment Proposal - [Your Company Name] Dear [Investor Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce [Your Company Name], a [company’s field or sector] company that has been making waves in the industry. As a next step, I would like to share with you our investment deck, which provides a comprehensive overview of our business model, financial projections, and future plans. Our team has worked hard to put together a compelling proposal, and I am confident that it will provide you with a good understanding of our company and what sets us apart from the competition. ...

2023-2-7 · 1 min · Atom.X

Customize Hugo site with theme PaperMod

Build Hugo site with theme PaperMod Special Functions and Extensions Math Typesetting Mathematical notation in a Hugo project can be enabled by using third party JavaScript libraries - KaTeX create the math partial file: touch layouts/partials/math.html add below content to math.html <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script defer src=""></script> <script defer src="" onload="renderMathInElement(document.body);"></script> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { renderMathInElement(document.body, { delimiters: [ {left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true}, {left: '$', right: '$', display: false}, {left: '\\(', right: '\\)', display: false}, {left: '\\[', right: '\\]', display: true} ], throwOnError : false }); }); </script> Customize the extend_head.html: cp themes/PaperMode/layouts/partials/extend_head.html layouts/partials/extend_head.html insert below content to extend_head.html {{ if or .Params.math .Site.Params.math }} {{ partial "math.html" . }} {{ end }} Enable math rendering by adding this to your config.yaml params: math: true # Enable math globally Config.yaml change TOC change the table of content on the right side colum of webpage, or in the middle top. ...

2023-2-5 · 2 min · Atom.X

Helpx Guest Questionnaire

Welcome to copy this questionnaire template, which is suitable for projects that recruit volunteers through the Internet. This questionnaire was designed by psychologist and Helpx host [Macdonald]. More about you These questions are more personal, please share what you are willing to share with us. There is no obligation, no pressure, I hope answering these questions will also give you a renewed perspective on where you are at. Name Atom ...

2023-2-3 · 2 min · Atom.X


A Comprehensive Russian Grammar Terence Wade, 4th edition, Wiley Blackwell. Revised and updated by David Gillespie, Svetlana Gural and Marina Korneeva etc. Preface p31 технолóгии ‘technologies эконóмики ‘economies The Cyrillic alphabet 2 The international phonetic alphabet (IPA) p40 Consonants ᶈ as in пёс [ᶈos]; ᶀ as in бел [ᶀεl] Russian Alphabet pronunciation The Only Russian Pronunciation Guide You’ll Ever Need ( 17 Use of capital and small letters in titles and names p54 ...

2023-2-1 · 3 min · Atom.X