Long term practice - The basic skill of English
Why start from pronunciation?
pronunciation is the basic skill, is the first of all, most important core essence for language study. you pay 1 hour on this basic skill practice, it’s more valuable than 3 hours you pay on grammar and vocabulary. so please forget to memory grammar, vocabulary, and complicated compound sentences in the first stage when you are studying langue.
The sounds of English and the International Phonetic Alphabet
As a foreigner from a non-English speaking country, we had better find a native English speaker tutor online, there are probably 2 style accents: UK, USA
how many words do you know?
Measure vocabulary size, but I think this website is not accurate for a test.
For an IELTS band score of 7, we should know at least 4000 words totally.
move more words from passive to active (被动 变 主动)vocabulary, our score will be improved.
intensive VS. extensive reading (集中精读到广泛阅读)
• Vocabulary for IELTS by P.Cullen Book -
IELTS Vocabulary Up to Band 6.0
Free preview -
Student life: Study, education, research
Dictionary - word list, search topics and level
Cambridge dictionary has more examples of sentences, while Oxford dictionary is better for searching and categories selection.