Original Course link: Writing, Running, and Fixing Code in C


GitHub - mvirgo/c-programming: Code worked on for Duke’s Intro to Programming in C course

UNIX basic

cat // output file to terminal

emacs // open file in editor Emacs (be attention for the command, use lowercase, not uppercase)

close a terminal tab, ctrl + shift + w

close the entire terminal including all tabs, ctrl + shift + q


Emacs command line

copy in Macos, Esc-w

kill(cut), C-w

yank(paste), C-y

undo, C-x u

help, EmacsWiki: Emacs Newbie Key Reference



void means that the function does not have a return value.

C Functions - main, void

What is void in C

A.6.7 Void (on book: c-programming-language-v2)


在标准C中,main的唯一有效签名是:int main(void)int main(int argc, char **argv)。**int main()是一个旧式声明,表示main**接受未指定数量的参数。不建议使用它,

C compiler

gcc - GNU Compiler Collection

macros ?

pound sign #

angle brackets <>


#include <stdio.h>;
#include <stdlib.h>;
int main(void)
{printf("Hello World\n");

hello.c:1:19: warning: extra tokens at end of #include directive
1 | #include <stdio.h>;
	|                   ^

extra tokens ?

when run the code, why professor input so many command :

$ gcc -o hello -Wall -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu99 hello.c

gcc, compiler;

-o, define the name of files;

hello, execute file;

hello.c, source code file;

the details of the compiling process

hello.c - hello.i - hello.s - hello.o - hello

  1. Preprocessing: cpp hello.c -o hello.i C Preprocessor scan source code file and then save as middle(temp) file hello.i;
  2. Compiling: gcc -S hello.i -o hello.s gcc compile the middle file hello.i as assembly file hello.s;
  3. Assembling: as hello.s -o hello.o Assembler transfer assembly file hello.s as object file hello.o;
  4. Linking: gcc hello.o -o hello linker links together hello.o, other object files and library files, and create the final execute file hello;

a short command for the above whole process.

$ gcc hello.c -o hello


15 ≡ 3 (mod 12)

Max Function

more concise and readable way to write the code.

int w = max(size1, x_offset + size2);

define the max function, takes two integers as arguments and returns the larger of the two. It uses the ternary operator (?:) as below.

int w = size1 > x_offset + size2 ? size1 : x_offset + size2;

int max(int a, int b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;



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