Week 3

statement coverage

decision coverage

path coverage

Testing Asserts

Black box testing


automated tools for black box testing:

  1. Selenium: A widely-used open-source testing framework that allows testers to automate the testing of web browsers, making it a valuable tool for performing black box testing on web-based systems.
  2. LoadRunner: A performance testing tool that can be used for black box testing of non-functional requirements such as load, stress, and endurance.
  3. JMeter: An open-source tool that can be used for black box testing of non-functional requirements such as load, stress, and endurance.
  4. SilkTest: A tool that can be used for regression and functionality testing.
  5. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT): A tool that can be used for creating black box test scripts with a test recorder.


manual Debugging with GDB (sourceware.org)

GDB调试教程:1小时玩转Linux gdb命令 (biancheng.net)

Assginment 10_gdb

the most hard task.

Firstly, Completely understand the question, README.

??? WHY

hack the answer, but not debugging, what’s the bug of this program?

sometimes we can not get through the assignment ,if we follow the instruction of README and courses documents totally

Command line:

print, does not work.

next , disp myNumber but disp does work.

how can we guess the answer?

round 1 = 464384013

round 2 = 938257400

Monte Carlo Simulation

the odds of each hand winning.

Texas Hold’Em

flop and turn




pair, straight, full house.

flush: 5 cards of the same suit.

straight flush: five cards which are both a flush (all the same suit) and a straight (all sequentially ordered).
