CS Self-study Guide

Github repo: CS self-learning

Cooshell blog: Programmer’s Technology Leveling Guide

basic concepts

Unix/Linux Shell, Vim, Git, SQL, Python, bash,

MAC terminal, command line, Unix Shell

Shell Scripting Primer

The Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet

Git basics

Github pull request


Python 3

Cn, Python for Everybody Exploring Data In Python3 New Edition

En, Python for Everybody

Think Python: How to Think like a Computer Scientist" by

Allen B. Downey “Think Python”

Learning with Python, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Read Churk and Allen’s books together

Python 2

Cn,Python for Informatics, old edition

Python officially recommended books

Find the best Python books

Recommended Python book list

Python Programming from Beginner to Practice

[US] Eric Matthes, Publisher: Posts & Telecom Press

Python Crash Course, V2

AWS cloud computing practitioner

IBM - Cloud computing


Infrastrcture as Code(IaC)


Dividing rule red line

The definition of DevOps, including a series of values, principles, methods, practices and corresponding tools.

“Continuous Delivery” Jez Humble, DevOps best practices.

The Agile Admin,

What’s a DevOps ?

Service model

IaaS vs. PaaS vs. SaaS

Service ModelExplanationService ContentAnalogy Case
IaaSInfrastructure as a ServiceTypically provides access to networking capabilities, computers (virtual or dedicated hardware), and data storage spaceBuy a car and drive it yourself
PaaSPlatform as a ServiceYou don’t need to manage the underlying infrastructure (typically hardware and operating system), allowing you to focus more on application deployment and managementRent a car and drive it yourself
SaaSSoftware as a ServiceComplete product, providing end-user applicationsCall a taxi service

Segmentfault: What is IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Deployment model

Public cloud

Private cloud

Hybrid cloud


Date: January 8, 2024

PokerListings - Poker News, Guides, Strategies & Reviews

Suits order

Spades, black

Hearts, red

Diamonds, red

Clubs, black

A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

2 > A ?

10 = 0 / T in c program of Texas Holdem?