Data Information Knowledge Meme

More images: information-knowledge meme

From Data to Influence

Evolutionary stages: Data → Information → Knowledge → Insight → Wisdom → Influence

How to transform change into movement?

  • Data: Massive fragments of information, pale and empty like garbage.
  • Information: Individual data that describes objective things more richly.
  • Knowledge: Describes the complex relationships of the world, connecting information points.
  • Insight: Discovering potential connections between knowledge points, requiring qualities such as vision, wisdom, and introspection.
  • Wisdom: Finding paths and solutions to connect knowledge points.
  • Influence: After the paths are connected, it radiates influence in all directions.

Use GitHub to record the known or unknown certainty or uncertainty (four combinations) of each data point, and the data will deduce the final impact.

Starting from recording the metadata of the fragments in the first step, deduce the results of the 5th and 6th steps. For plaintext encryption, information security, and privacy protection, the abstract result hides specific people, time, place, events, numbers, etc., thus creating a general model or framework.

Cognitive Levels

DIKW Model

Knowledge Management

A knowledge framework system for systematic engineering, structural model thinking, and decision-making support. It addresses the lack of collective decision-making in a “hive mind” scenario. This explains why authoritarian institutions cannot adopt collective decision-making from the masses but can only adopt the partial and local decisions of a small group of natural persons, resulting in frequent man-made disasters in centralized organizations. Therefore, they must choose a “king” from the people to represent collective decision-making.

The tree structure of the blockchain is consistent with the collective brain thinking, forming an overall trunk, which is called WBS in project management.

Theoretical Models

Fractal Geometry

The shape characteristics of the local and the whole are the same. The characteristics of the whole can be deduced from the local, and the characteristics of the local can be seen from the whole.


“The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist, explains that memes are the basic units of culture (concepts, ideas, theories, stories, rituals, etc.) that are inherited and amplified through non-genetic means, especially imitation, similar to genes.

Brand = core cultural gene, infinitely inheritable

Model Thinking

Almost all things and social phenomena can be expressed using mathematical models, even described by simple mathematical formulas.

Simulation software supporting this course - Netlogo

NetLogo is a programmable modeling environment for simulating natural and social phenomena. It was initiated by Uri Wilensky in 1999 and is continuously developed by the Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling (CCL).

NetLogo is particularly well-suited for modeling complex systems that evolve over time. Modelers can give instructions to hundreds or thousands of independently operating “agents.” This makes it possible to explore the connection between individual behavior at the micro level and macro patterns that emerge from the interaction of many individuals.

Complex System (Science)

A complex system, also known as a composite system, is a system composed of many components that may interact with each other. In many cases, it is useful to represent such systems as networks, where nodes represent components and links represent their interactions. Examples of complex systems include: Earth’s global climate, organisms, the human brain, social and economic organizations (such as cities), an ecosystem, a living cell, and ultimately the entire universe.

Chaos Theory

The butterfly effect, mathematician - Mary Lucy Cartwright

What Kind of People Will We Become?

A whole person, a complete person, from the perspective of the above systems theory, should possess the basic qualities of a normally socialized carbon-based human being. This primarily involves requirements for spiritual thought, worldview, outlook on life, and values. Basic self-care and independent survival, along with one skill to make a living, are sufficient; there is no need to excel in every aspect.

If one only masters a certain quality or skill, then they are not a complete person in the true sense but a tool with a single function. In the cruel business world and the law of the jungle, people are discarded like natural resources after being used up, or they are born as sacrifices for others, consumables, materials, and tools to achieve someone else’s goals. We have witnessed many such cases. To become an independent person as much as possible, possessing the qualities of the above systems theory is a basic requirement.