Russian - English language exchange

I work for agriculture industry with the e-commerce technology, like sporting and chatting, and will go to work and travel in Russia far east, anybody want to exchange language for Russian - English here? I love the topics about politics, sociality, IT etc. Русско-английский языковой обмен Я работаю в сельском хозяйстве, занимаюсь электронной коммерцией, люблю заниматься спортом и общаться, собираюсь работать и путешествовать по Дальнему Востоку России, кто-нибудь хочет обменять русский на английский здесь? ...

2023-10-22 · 1 min · Atom.X

IBM cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Compliance Framework & System Administration subject matter experts (SMEs) SOC HIPAA PCI DSS Compliance and Industry Standards Summary(ISO/SOC/PCI/HIPAA) Center for Internet Security (CIS) Critical Security Controls CIS Controls Implementation Group Cybersecurity Roles, Processes & Operating System Security The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) ITIL® 4: the framework for the management of IT-enabled services how IT Service Management (ITSM) and ITIL are related. Authentication and Access control 3, (Token, list and log are not) ...

2023-10-20 · 2 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W4

Quantifier(logic) $∀$ , For All, Conjunction, ∧, all things $∃$, Exist, Disjunction, ∨, at least one $∃x$[$A(x) ∧ B(x)$] ≠ $∃x$$A(x)$ ∧ $∃x$$B(x)$, False There is a game player who is both an attacker and a defender. There is a game player who is an attacker, and There is a game player(another one?) who is a defender. $∃x$[$A(x) ∨ B(x)$] = $∃x$$A(x)$ ∨ $∃x$$B(x)$ There is a game player who is an attacker or a defender. ...

2023-10-2 · 1 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W3 Assignment 5

(∀𝑚∈ ℕ)(∃𝑛 ∈ ℕ)(𝑛>𝑚), True Express the existence assertions a. ($∃x$ ∈ ℕ)($x^3 = 27$ ) b. ($∃𝑛$ ∈ ℕ)(𝑛>10000) c. natural number n is not a prime ($∃p$ ∈ ℕ)($∃m$ ∈ ℕ)($p$>1 ∧ $m$>1 ∧ $n=pm$) Express the ‘for all’ assertions a. ($∀x$ ∉ ℕ)($x^3$ = 28) ¬($∃x$ ∈ $ℕ$)($x^3$ = 28) ($∀x$ ∈ ℕ)($x^3$ ≠ 28) ($∀x$ ∈ ℕ)¬($x^3$ = 28) b. ($∀n$ ∈ ℕ)($n>0$ ) c. ($∀p$ ∈ ℕ)($∀q$ ∈ ℕ)[( $n=pq$) ⇒ ($p=1$ V $q=1$)] ...

2023-9-29 · 4 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W3

the most difficult lecture Analysis of language - quantifiers irrational numbers ∀ for all ∃ there exists express an existence assertion. a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. Combination of quantifiers there is no largest natural number. (∀𝑚∈ ℕ)(∃𝑛 ∈ ℕ)(𝑛>𝑚), True (∃𝑛 ∈ ℕ)(∀𝑚∈ ℕ)(𝑛>𝑚), False American Melanoma Foundation: “One American dies of Melanoma almost every hour.” ∃A∀H(A dies in hour H), False, misunderstanding: An American dies once every hour, ridiculous. ...

2023-9-28 · 1 min · Atom.X