Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W5 Assignment 7

Contrapositive 反證 if φ ⇒ ψ , then ¬ψ ⇒ ¬φ $∃x$A(x)] = $∀x$[¬A(x)] ? Assignment 7 Prove or disprove the statement “All birds can fly.” birds b, fly birds are F(b) Assume $∀b$ ⇒ F(b) True. $∃o$, there are some birds, such as ostrich o, it can not fly. $∀b$[$∃o$$(b=o)$ ⇒ ¬F(b)] so not all birds could fly, $∀b$ ⇒ F(b) False. Prove or disprove the claim (∀x, y ∈ R)[(x − y)2 > 0]. Assume (∀x, y ∈ R)[$(x − y)^2$ > 0] is True. ...

2023-9-1 · 4 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W6 Assignment 8

Induction: the inference of a general law from particular instances. Axiom/ principle: generally acknowledged truth. to prove $∀n$ A$(n)$ Method, principle of mathematical induction Prove A$(1)$ Dominoes: $∀n$ [ A$(n)$ ⇒ A$(n+1)$] induction step Theorem: for any n, 1+2+3 …… + n = 1/2n(n+1) if n = 1, both side equal to 1, then the identity is true. Assume A$(n)$ and deduce A$(n+1)$, the identity holds for all n 1+2+3 …… + n+1 = 1/2(n+1)[(n+1)+1] ...

2023-9-1 · 5 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W7

number theory Number theory | Definition, Topics, & History | Britannica 0 is not a natural number? it depends on the mathematical community, if they design the norm(standard) that 0 i a natural number, then it is. but in a default condition, we normally set 0 is not natural number. b|a Vertical bar sign in Discrete mathematics, means b divides a, b is a factor of a. division theory ? Euclidean division - Wikipedia ...

2023-9-1 · 2 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W8 Assignment 10

cognitive conception completeness property 完整属性 upper and lower bound 上界、下界 least upper bound 最小上界 LUB Set theory subset relations Natural numbers, Integers, Rational numbers, Real numbers N ⊂ Z ⊂ Q ⊂ R Elements of Set Theory(SUPPLEMENT, KEITH DEVLIN: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking) empty set ∅ different from Φ(phi) the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet eg. Set A If $A(x)$ is some property, the set of all those x which satisfy $A(x)$ is denoted by {$x | A(x)$} ...

2023-9-1 · 4 min · Atom.X

Mathematical Thinking Stanford, W8 Quiz

least upper bound A set A of reals can have at most one least upper bound. if a is LUB, then a≤b if b is LUB, then b≤a if a, b are both two LUBs, then b=a, such as {42} has the only element 42 as both an upper bound and a lower bound. lower bound if a set A of reals has a lower bound, it has infinitely many lower bounds. ...

2023-9-1 · 6 min · Atom.X