How can we get free courses

There are many free open courses online, you have to pay for some of them, but there are financial aid options. Take as example. Why Financial aid In the past few years, due to the Corona virus, I fleet away from home country, and created agriculture business in Ukraine, then had to leave for Europe, now I am an asylum seeker, studying and looking for a new survival opportunities. In the past many years, I only focused on my work and was not interested in politics and wars, until the corona virus, my basic survival was threatened, as a common people, there are too much things that I don’t know. ...

2023-8-23 · 2 min · Atom.X

Compelling Reasons to Learn Math and Programming

Individual strength is limited. Large-scale collaboration can propel civilization and intelligence to new heights. This includes collaborations between humans, humans and animals, humans and machines, and all possible combinations of these entities (humans, machines, animals, plants, microorganisms). Collaboration requires language for communication, even amongst animals. Here are a few languages worth learning: English: As the most prosperous and civilized human community on Earth in the 20th and 21st centuries, English serves as the primary natural language for daily communication and collaboration. Programming: For precise collaboration with large-scale machine clusters and a select few highly intelligent individuals. Mathematics: The foundation of machine language and other scientific technologies. Human Natural Language - Ambiguity and Deception There are countless human natural languages, each vastly different. The saying “dialects change every 100 miles” holds true; even within 50 kilometers, human language mutates, with variations in pronunciation, grammar, semantics, and expression. Why is this so, given that natural language is innate? Only God can explain. ...

2023-1-23 · 5 min · Atom.X

Mathematics basics

Why math ? I have severe tinnitus, Similar to what it would be like when I’m standing on a giant generator machine running at full capacity, sharp and piercing. it can only be relieved by deep sleep and concentration, especially when I’m engrossed in math and computer programming and I can’t feel the annoying noise in my ears. Writing Mathematics symbols Microsoft 365 Office Word - insert - formula basic concepts We should assess skills and knowledge in the following areas: ...

2023-1-7 · 2 min · Atom.X

Computer science basics

CS Self-study Guide Github repo: CS self-learning Cooshell blog: Programmer’s Technology Leveling Guide basic concepts Unix/Linux Shell, Vim, Git, SQL, Python, bash, MAC terminal, command line, Unix Shell Shell Scripting Primer The Mac Terminal Commands Cheat Sheet Git basics Github pull request Python Python 3 Cn, Python for Everybody Exploring Data In Python3 New Edition En, Python for Everybody Think Python: How to Think like a Computer Scientist" by Allen B. Downey “Think Python” ...

2022-11-25 · 2 min · Atom.X

English Level test

CEFR English level standard please focus on the target, it’s the entry-level to university IELTS 7 = C1 English levels EF SET- English test, get to know your English level in 50 minutes: Our 2 skill English test British Council - Online English level test B2 Upper intermediate Pearson English Tests(PTE) It is said The first completely computer-based English test 135 minutes,250 usd,offline test center International Business Management Institute(IBM) Language Tests and Certificates Fast. Trusted. Online. ...

2021-1-28 · 1 min · Atom.X