
Turing machine

The ranking is in descending order of price and working speed

  • Register: carries operation data and results, as fast as a CPU
  • Cache: data buffer
  • Memory: the part that cannot be placed in the CPU
  • External memory (hard disk, USB flash drive)

C. Bohm & G. Jacopini, “Flow Diagrams, Turing Machines and Languages ​​with Only Two Formations Rules”, Communications of ACM, vol9(5) May 1966, pp 366-371.

Everything in the world is complicated, and there are only three kinds of logic expressed in programs:

  • Sequence: the order of statements;
  • Loop: for, while;
  • Branch: if, else;

Knowledge structure of C-based languages:

More than 30 keywords

More than 10 basic data types;

More than 30 basic operation symbols;

3 basic logic statements;

1.5 Structured Programming Case

Data type change during the calculation.

char, short → int

int → unsigned → long → double

float → double

all will be changed to double if there is a double type data in the expression.

++i, before use i, must +1;

i++, after use i, must +1;

it could be used for variables but not expression such as below

errors: (-i)++, ++i++

-i, ++i, i++ all are an expressions, they could not be used for increment operation ++ or - - again.

more complicated increment operation

when debugging , you will find the order of operations on breakpoint step by step in specific compiler.

Priority of mixed operations

Logical NOT (!) > Arithmetic operation > Relational operation > “&&” and “||” > Assignment operation

逻辑非(!) > 算术运算 > 关系运算 > “&&”和“||” > 赋值运算

BITwise operators 按位运算符

C++ symbols

IO Manipulators
